Company Secretary Services

Company Secretaries uphold essential Corporate Governance practices by maintaining meticulous company records to ensure statutory compliance. It is a requirement for every company to appoint one to meet regulatory obligations.
Non Zero Sum provides a wide range of corporate advisory services in both Singapore and Malaysia to companies and its directors to ensure continuous compliance to the relevant legal and statutory requirements.
Company Secretarial Package
Company Secretary Comprehensive Packages For SG Pte Ltd
S$800/financial year
Package include: -
Named Company Secretary for the financial year
Statutory Registers Maintenance
Annual Return (AR) Lodgement
AGM & Financial Statements (FS) Circulation
Government Filing Fee to ACRA
Company Secretary Comprehensive Package For MY Sdn Bhd
MYR1,500/financial year
Package include: -
Named Company Secretary for the financial year
Statutory Registers Maintenance
Annual Return (AR) Lodgement
Financial Statements (FS) Circulation
Government Filing Fee to SSM
Add-ons Services
Company Registration
Nominee Director
Nearshore Companies Formation
Entity Striking Off / Winding up
Annual Returns (AR) and XBRL Lodgement
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Resolutions and Minutes Writing
Shares Transfer (excluding Stamp Duty)
Change in company/officers particulars
CPF/EPF/CorpPass Account Opening
Company Common Seal/Stamp
Due Diligence